I just read a post about how faculty members were horribly upset by a group of graduate students who requested a workshop on, basically, how to be successful on the academic job market (full post
here). I can't even begin to express how much this attitude annoys me. Good supervisors want their students to be successful. Good supervisors will make sure that their students have all the resources they need to be successful, even if that means getting information or assistance from other people. And good supervisors recognize that every good student they produce and help successfully procure a faculty position is going to help them procure funding and more good students. Everyone wins! I will give my future students whatever information I can, but my experience on the job market in 2011 may not be anything like what their experience will be like in (mental math...) 2018. So if they can get information from an expert that will help them I want them to, and I want them to share that information with me so that I can be better informed too.
This, a million times this:
Set your ego aside! Do what it takes to make sure your Ph.D.s get the training they need, whatever the source. (via http://theprofessorisin.com/)
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